Friday, October 17, 2014

SS# ... .. ....

  In August I turned 62. I know for years I've said I was 10 years older. It was a lie. As a 62 year old I am eligible for social security. Hard to believe that even with all those zero columns the US government is going to cut me a monthly check from now until I croak. It won't be much, but hey anything is welcome. It's not like I'm on the government teat. I paid money into the system that now will dole it back out to me. On Wed. I applied for and was accepted into the Social Security system. So in honor of this event I retired from writing It now stands along side my other blogs in cyperspace- Luckymike, Christmo, Holylgm, Parishitler, and Mohuntingwithsupermodels, all on blogspot. If blogspot ever goes under I'll lose 10 years of writing. Read 'em while you can.
   This new blog is named after the Alaskan TV personality's on-air resignation, "I fucking order to concentrate on my marijuana farm full time." I have no such farm, but it kinda summed up what I feel these days. There's no way for an artist to retire and that's one of the big reasons i picked this path. I've been semi-retired since I was about 30. Who needs to work like a dog all their life, just to retire, get sick and die? Everything in moderation....especially work. But I can quit so many things. I can quit sweating my career. I can quit worrying where my next dollar will come from. I can quit bitching about people not returning phone calls or emails. I can quit belly aching over minuscule bullshit and concentrate on what matters in life. I can quit even pretending that I will quit smoking pot, drinking or watching internet porn. Retirement ain't so bad.
    So, in quitting one thing I am starting anew with another. In many ways you'll hardly notice the change. I'll still search out great photographers and beautiful women. I'll still post the art I'm working on (and hopefully include more of other artist's work). I'll continue to hunt, do churches, piss off the neighbors, have opinions about stuff, and write it down here. So welcome to my golden years. I'm just waiting on the check.  

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